<aside> 💡
This blog is extensively built on the work of RRC seniors Shubodh Sai and Udit Singh Parihar, with added content including a hands-on tutorial on GTSAM. Checkout the original blog post here https://shubodhs.ai/blog/
$$ P (X_{t}, M | U_{t-1}, Z_{t}) $$
$$ X_t \rightarrow \text{Poses}; M \rightarrow \text{Map};\\ U_{t-1} \rightarrow \text{Control Inputs}; Z_t \rightarrow \text{Observations} $$
Given robot's control inputs and observations, we want to estimate the probability distribution of robot's path and the map.
<aside> 💡 🐤 and 🥚 problem. We get the correct poses(trajectory) from the correct map which requires correct poses? We optimise for both.
Over here, dark blue dots refer to the control inputs and light blue dots refer to the observations. $\mathbf{l}$stands for landmarks and $\mathbf{x}$ stands for poses.
<aside> 💡 Least Squares in General : Computing a solution for an overdetermined system by minimizing sum of least sqaures
$$ P (X_{t}| U_{t-1}) $$
Pose graph SLAM requires two types of constraints. The first is odometry constraints, which link consecutive states $\mathbf{x}{i}$ and $\mathbf{x}{i+1}$ using a motion model. Additionally, to perform loop closure, the robot must recognize previously visited locations. This place recognition is part of the front-end and provides the second type of constraint, known as loop closure constraints, which connect two non-consecutive poses $\mathbf{x}{i}$ and $\mathbf{x}{j}$.
Example of a Factor Graph consisting of nodes representing poses, blue edges representing odometry measurements and green edges representing loop closure measurements
Odometry constraints/edges $u_i$ between $x_i$ and $x_{i+1}$ : As denoted by blue 🥶 circle
$$ x_{i+1} \: \sim \: \mathcal{N}(f(x_{i}, u_{i}), \Sigma_{i}) $$
Loop closure constraints/edges $u_{ij}$ between $x_i$ and $x_j$ : As denoted by green 🎾 circle
$$ x_{j} \: \sim \: \mathcal{N}(f(x_{i}, u_{ij}), \Lambda_{ij}) $$
<aside> 💡 Both of these are actually what makes it an optimization problem!